Sunday, February 22, 2009


by Jean,

The sound of whoopee cushions, deflating balloons, planes going the speed of sound - what do all these things have in common? Adam's butt. He is a REALLY gassy guy lately. It could have something to do with the bean soup and other things he likes to eat, but OMG! He actually has started to get a little pickier, but we still have some favorites. Plain yogurt will hit the spot when just about nothing will do, and bananas are never a bad idea. And today he discovered Kiwis, and I only got 1/4 of the one we shared!
At 13 months he is running around the house, trying to communicate with us (lots of pointing and grunting), and physically tackling the poor dog every chance he gets.
Like his mother he is fascinated with bright shiny objects - the lamps and the ceiling fan are still big favorites that he has to point out on a regular basis. He has started to assist with flipping switches off and on (with a little lifting from Mom so he can reach), and he likes to check the knobs to see if he can take one off a drawer or cupboard.
Adam is also a big help in the bathroom - making sure everything is picked up and put into the garbage (hair brushes, toothbrushes, deodorant, socks, and anything he can get his hands on). He will also flush the toilet for us (multiple times) to make sure we have the cleanest freshest water available at all times. The water bill is going to be higher for a few years.

"Get Bent, Tax Man"

by Jean,

Well, I have been trying to get our taxes completed for this year, and it is truly a struggle. The Internets are wonderful and all, but when the TaxAct software tells me I have filled out a form that requires another form, and I cannot continue until I either fill out the new form or delete the original form, and I cannot locate the original form to delete it, I start to get really cranky.

That is when I start to appreciate the character in "Stranger than Fiction" who tells off the auditor about why she doesn't pay her taxes.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

But We're Still Going To Measure His Age In Months

Adam turned one year old on January 24. He celebrated with a carrot cake muffin.

A few days later, he had his one year checkup. The doctor says he's looking good. Adam's still got a ginormous belly, but I think that abs class we've got him in is really paying off.

Height: 31.25 "
Weight: 24 lbs. 14 oz.
Noggin: 18.75 "
Teeth: Lots (eight in front and at least one molar per side, but he's not fond of letting us poke around in there, so we're not sure exactly how many he has)

And because I'm behind, and this is as good an excuse as any, here are a few recent Adam pictures.

He's outta here: