Monday, November 30, 2009

Where has the time gone?

by Jean

It's been a while since we posted - new job for Jean, relocation to Louisiana, house hunting trips, visits from Jean's mom and dad, wedding we attended, Halloween and Thanksgiving have all come and gone. Here are a few pics, all in the wrong order....
We crossed the Arkansas River and Adam still had get up and go. Jean did not.
Up on the "big bridge" as Adam calls it.

Adam loves "Odin Doggie" who we saw for Thanksgiving. Luckily Odin is very good with kids!

Washing hands in the "new house."

Adam helping to unpack boxes and paper!

Adam spent a lot of time staring at and talking about the "big truck" that delivered all our belongings. In fact, it has been a month, and he mentioned it again today!

What a busy bee - here we are attending a "Fall Festival" at a local church. Our next door neighbor invited us the first day we were in the house (Halloween!)!

Eating dinner on our camp table, with our camp chairs and plastic plates. No real belongings will arrive for another week, so it is packandplay, air mattress, and not much else!

Here is the new house - Adam and I stayed for the first week with only this much furniture!

Adam before the big move - pretty cool!