Saturday, January 19, 2008

But What Will the Neighbors Think?

Poor Sliver. The temperature this morning has been hovering around 0 degrees F, so Jean pulled out the dog booties. Normally, we only put them on her when we want a little entertainment; she doesn't like them and tries to step out of them, then tries to pull them off, and, if neither of those work, she becomes the Saddest Dog in the World.

This morning, evidently Sliver realized we weren't doing this simply for our amusement, so she didn't try to pull them off, and we skipped straight to the end.

The Saddest Dog in the World:

This is not an action shot; she's just holding that back paw up, maybe hoping it will just go away if she waits long enough

Also not an action shot. Just trying to not move so we don't laugh too hard.


Sarkis said...

ummmmm.... I sure hope you don't subject poor nuke to the same degree of public humiliation!!!


Ted said...

I'd do it in a heartbeat.

In. A. Heartbeat.