Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy New Year!

We made it through the holidays - lots of time with family and friends in Washington State, including several visits with Adam's cousins of various ages.  The weather was good, for Washington, and we were able to get out and do some walking and hiking, instead of just huddling around the fire while it rained!

Upon our return home, we found that the weather here HAD been atrocious, and that our roof had suffered - we had ice damming, which causes the ice to build up on the roof and not fall off, and then to damage the roof and soak through, damaging walls, ceilings, and floors.  So as soon as the weather warms back up enough to fix the roof, we will get that done, as well as some unplanned home renovations.  We needed something to do....

Adam starts back at school on Tuesday - evidently this Friday and next Monday are "in-service" days for the teachers, which sounds like code for "I don't want to go back to school yet!" It was hard for me to go back to work after 2 weeks off, so I know how they feel!

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